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 SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2006

SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EmptySam 4 Mar à 1:18

Allez la voir c'est vraiment excelent meme quand on ne pige rien à l'anglais.

voici les parole de la chanson de fin

"yo what up g
lemme tell u about mc
you ain' t got no life
you ain't got no friends
and i know you want to spend your weekend with 40 people you don't know
and some guy named puff telling you what to do!
ohh hell yeah that's me, where do i sign up
on the website!
you can be a winner

we are mc raiders
we ain't got no lives

you ain't got to tell me about attunement
If you've got core fragments you've already been through it
talk to the quest guy and jump through the hole and
give me your buffs so i can pull like a pro man

let's go bitches

Olgra on the left, Thinktank on the right
pull those big ass giants,
no mortal strike!
who pulled the surger with the core hounds?

i think a hunter did but he's dead now
shuddup nub, this is my song

lucifron, magmadar, gehennas and garr
farm status players,
have you got that far
ok who was the living bomb
i didn't know
well congratulations you win the dumbass award
this is my first time
you're not leet enough for molten core

we're mc raiders
we ain't go no lives

you ain't got to tell me bout them epics
i just disenchanted one into a nexus

shazzrah, golemagg and sulfuron
another thunderstrike that nobody will roll on
paladins, hunters, anybody?
i am not wasting dkp on that piece of crap

majordomo's chest
it's time for the fat lewt
will we get the leaf
or eye of divinity

why don't we have a druid tank rag Hax
I've got 13000 AC Nerf
shadow form ok? no
i'm gonna do it anyway
hell no

we're mc raiders
we ain't go no lives"

Merci a edel et a tout les participants du forum jol wow
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Nombre de messages : 72
Localisation : Bretagne Pow@@
Date d'inscription : 26/08/2005

SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EmptySam 4 Mar à 2:48

C enorme
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SUPER VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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